In a medium that’s been around for so long, and that’s given us so many different tales. It’s a given that anime will be chock full of betrayals. Some of the most well-known characters of that as a claim to fame. It’s always a major turning point when that seemingly harmless guy turns out to be a super badass on the villain side, but the question is which of the anime betrayals are the best.
Honestly, that’s a question that’s impossible to answer. Given how different people’s tastes are and how different the shows they’ve watched. However, what I’ll be going over today are the 10 anime betrayals that stayed throughout the years.
These are some of the most memorable ones from the shows, and we hope you’ll enjoy hearing about them, naturally though SPOILERS.
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A closer look at 10 Anime Betrayals of all time
We will count down the top 10 all-time best anime betrayals that will go to blow your mind. These are some of the most memorable from the shows, and we hope you appreciate hearing about them as much as we did. Spoilers alert.
10. Code Geass – Black Knight
Let’s start with the black knight betraying Lelouch. As Code Geass moving towards the grand climax, we have one major wrench thrown in the way of our protagonist. In a high tension episode, the stakes get pushed even higher when the black knights, out of all people, decide that betraying Lelouch is to the best of everyone’s interests.
In the episode titled betrayal, we see this scene unfold in a heart-wrenching manner, especially given the context. Code Geass is a series filled with mind games and people sacrificing for a greater goal.
Series filled with gambits of all sorts, and we see the intricacies of such dynamics at play in this episode. The entire sequence of events even cost us Rolo’s life, and we now remember how much of a gut-punch death felt like. The amazing thing about Code Geass is that impactful moments like this are a dime a dozen.
Black night betrayal is barely the strongest moment in the show. It’s a highlight for sure, but probably a surprising take for many. This moment is overshadowed by other disclosures, not because of itself, but because the series’ roller coaster has so many more fantastic scenes, turns & anime betrayals.
9. Madoka Magica – Kyubey
Madoka Magica, who else would the betrayer be than Kyubey itself. You know, the mommy death of episode three caught me off guard, but it wasn’t in a whoa. Madoka Magica is one violent series way. It didn’t quite blow my mind despite many people citing it at the moment that quickly changed the entire game.
It’s still a big moment regardless, but more emotional stakes when Kyubey revealed its plan all along. I’m sure some of you had an inkling that this cute alien thing is a villain but leading them straight to their doom in a vicious cycle designed with maximum efficiency.
In mind, this anime betrayals got me, and to add to that, Kyubey successfully defends its logic the whole time with a set of reasons that in a certain lens can be justified. It is just amazing, to be fair, that Homura’s scene at the end of rebellion was just as big of a betrayal, but it was more of a betrayal in a meta sense.
Hey, if not for the sudden sequel announcement a few months back, we’ll be staring at a cliffhanger movie that doesn’t have a continuation in sight for half a decade and counting.
8. Steins; Gate – Moeka
List of anime betrayals lists on number 8 we have Steins Gate. We proceed with another blockbuster with time travel shenanigans; remember Moeka’s reveal. Yeah, who could have thought that Moeka was with Sen all along, and certainly not the characters when she gave her big reveal in a moment that will continue to Hornstein’s gay fans but in horror and all at how well the scene was executed in anime form.
Seeing the whole thing unfold was an experience by itself and this moment is one of the peak highlights that the series has to offer. Moeka is not as helpless as her initial outlook or aura might suggest.
This is one battle-hardened woman, and she wastes no time showing off her chops. Poor Mayuri, what viewers like about this patrol is that Moeka has quite a lot of sympathizers that’s what’s so great about Steins Gate as an anime. Despite all the despicable actions, it’s all a matter of perspective, and there’s no complete good or bad guy in the series.
If you look at stein’s gate in its writing, you can see that the whole world is greater than you would have first thought.
7. Helling Ultimate – Walter
Hellsing finds its way to the anime betrayals list with Walter’s betrayal. Talk about a slow burn leading to a big reveal. We can’t tell when Walter’s defection to millennium started, but we all know that it’s in there.
Simmering getting ready until it finally leads to the big moment. Anyone expected Walter to be the guy who allowed the valentine brothers to infiltrate Helsing HQ. We certainly didn’t expect him to be Alucard’s final enemy in the OVA, but the foreshadowing is there. It’s been there all along.
Ultimately his fear of becoming old and useless takes precedence and pushes Walter to do what he does. The only way to overcome that would be to defeat Alucard, which didn’t end up too well for him.
There’s light at the end of the tunnel though they say that redemption equals death, and we can see that with the finale of Walter’s journey as he meets his end, we once again see the nice guy underneath.
6. One Piece – CP9 Reveal
One Piece is such a long run that it might seem difficult to pick a moment. It turns out, though, and it’s easier than we thought. No, seriously, if you ask most of the One Piece fans what the biggest anime betrayals the series has to offer, they’d likely go for the CP9 reveal. It doesn’t have as much strength now with the power of hindsight, but boy, was it big back then.
People now still remember how they thought Kaku would be joining the squad. CP9 bided their time. They waited, and they waited, and once the opportunity presented itself, they struck, and no one, especially Iceberg, saw it coming. Imagine your closest circle to one of your closest assistants being a spy all along.
It was a conspiracy for the ages, and it rocked the entire one-piece community. Will it continue to hold its spot as the biggest one-piece anime betrayals to the future? Who knows? Anime fans know there are already some contenders, but the CP9 reveal will always be memorable.
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5. Tower God – Rachel
A more recent contender on anime betrayals now. Imagine you’re a guy who sims so hard for this girl to reunite with this friend of yours. You take the unimaginable first step and scale a tower of terrors.
A tower full of dangers, tests and you could find yourself succumbing to the horrors within every passing moment. That’s how the bomb felt, and that’s how the story of Tower of God kicks off. Unreciprocated feelings hurt when the bomb finally reunites with Rachel inside the tower and after all he did for her.
In their brief time together, she drops the shocking revelation. You have to die here heart-breaking words to hear when you get pushed to your death, and that’s right after barely surviving a fight to the death. It must hurt on the bright side in situations like this that awaken the strongest character developments and changes in worldview.
4. Naruto – Itachi Uchiha
Trying to kill a person who loved you is bad enough. How about an entire clan paging Itachi Uchiha? At this point, it’s already a given that most fans of Naruto already know of the Uchiha massacre. It’s one of the hallmark moments of the series that serve as Sasuke’s main motivation in defeating his brother.
What kick-started Sasuke’s road for absolute power was his brother’s betrayal and the subsequent massacre of their clan. It’s an even more amazing moment to see play out in anime betrayals form. With toby by his side, Itachi began the killings, and he left no one alive, no one except his brother.
Who’s not even spared from the torches of the Tsukuyomi what fans liked about this betrayer. However, the eventual revelation is that it’s not as bad of a betrayal as initially portrayed. He still finds it hard to justify what Hitachi did but rest assured he’s not a completely evil guy for doing it.
3. Bleach – Aizen
We move from one shown in anime betrayals to another that fans feel an even bigger surprise at third place Aizen. What a curveball this was. We still remember watching this unfold and at that time. Viewers felt that it was genius.
Even now, the moment still holds up, and the way the soul society arc ended with this betrayal feels so right, so perfect even. In the whole arc, viewers are led to believe that gin was the villain captain in Soul Society, having gone his way to kill Aizen and nearly do so with other Shinigami officers; all eyes are on this sly snake.
He completely looks the part, too, but it turns out the mastermind all along was the soft-spoken and intelligent captain who acted like a father to his men. Aizen then proceeds to own everyone before finally escaping giving us this iconic shot that’s defined much of bleach during its early years.
Overall, it’s a moment that bleach fans still gush about these anime betrayals, and for a good reason too. The setup’s great, the execution’s great, and the swerve handled well enough.
2. Attack on Titan – Reiner & Bertholdt
In the second place of anime betrayals list, I’m going to go for Reiner and Bertholdt. Remember those big burly titans that are so iconic due to their role at the start of the story. What if we told you they’re some of the best mentors and brother figures Aaron could have within the ranks?
Annie was, but a preview of the reveal of Reiner & Bertholdt being some of the most important titans, narratively speaking, was something that completely turned the character’s world upside down. What made this moment shine was just how well executed it was in the anime form.
You can feel the tension building up as the two were on the roof with Aaron, and they start to talk. You know something big is about to happen, and you don’t want to accept it, but they keep going on. Then the music hits a crescendo, and even though you want to deny it, the inevitable happens, and all hell breaks loose.
This is truly a moment that showcases the excellence that is the attack on titan anime. It blew my mind in manga form, but the anime betrayals took a moment up an entire notch and gave me an experience that fans will never forget.
1. Berserk – Griffith
It started as a tough call between second and first on the list of anime betrayals, but I’m firm with Griffith’s betrayal for number one. If you thought Aizen and the Reiner Bertholdt reveal were game-changers, wait till you see what berserk offers. How could any Berserk fan forget this moment? Good betrayals have to be game changers that turn the entire perspective of a show upside down.
The strongest portrayals come from our protagonist’s dearest allies, and for guts, fans could only imagine how it felt to be betrayed by the leader of the band of falcon himself.
The most iconic moment in the eclipse comes when Griffith finally succumbs to his emotions and gives rise to the lord of darkness. Femto’s descent is met with rightful fright from both the characters in the audience. The entire sequence is the stuff of nightmares, and we all know how screwed guts and casket would have been. Had it not been for skull knight’s timely arrival.
Even though most berserk adaptations were pretty underwhelming, fans feel the movie adapted the eclipse well. The 2016 series was a disgrace in terms of animation, but even with all the CGI fans, this one thought did it pretty well.
What is the best anime betrayals?
As per viewers and anime lover “Attack on Titan – Reiner & Bertholdt” and “Naruto – Itachi Uchiha” is most popular anime betrayals of all time.
What is anime betrayals?
Many individuals consider betrayal to be an awful act. It always seems to happen in a major way in anime, and it always seems to happen when you least expect it.
What is the biggest betrayal in anime?
In Attack on Titan when Reiner & Bertholdt betray Aaron. This betrayal completely turned the character’s world upside down.
So, which betrayal impacted you the most. Tells us in the comment below.